At the New York Society of Play, we love watching our young students begin their D&D journey. Almost inevitably, there comes a time, when a player gets their first Dungeons & Dragons book. Many of our NYSoP Parents ask:
“I want to get a D&D book for my child, but there are so many! Which ones do I want to buy if my child is just getting started?”
Dungeons & Dragons books make great gifts, but getting the wrong one can leave a new player with very little to work with. Here’s a list of the best Dungeons & Dragons books to buy your new player!
Book 1: Dungeons & Dragons – Player’s Handbook
The absolute essentials for any player.

The Dungeons & Dragons Player’s Handbook is the best resource for new players to learn the rules of Dungeons & Dragons. This book provides options for creating your very own Dungeons & Dragons character, as well as all the basic rules you will need to play the game.. This is the most popular Dungeons & Dragons book, and a must-have if you are just getting started as a player!
Book 2: Dungeons & Dragons – Monster Manual
For intermediate players and magical creature enthusiasts.

The Dungeons & Dragons Monster Manual is a collection of monsters that players can battle in Dungeons & Dragons. This book contains battle statistics for a variety of foes. From Dragons and Goblins to Flumphs and Owlbears, you’ll find monsters from all sorts of fantasy settings. While this book is meant as a reference guide for Dungeon Masters, it is a perfect read for a fantasy-minded child with a powerful imagination.
Book 3: Dungeons & Dragons – Dungeon Master’s Guide
A guide for advanced players who want to learn how to create their own D&D game.

The Dungeon Master’s Guide is a resource for players who are interested in one day leading their own Dungeons & Dragons campaigns. It teaches important Dungeon Master skills such as world building, character creation, adventure writing, and running the basic game. The book also includes resources for random dungeons, maps, and monster encounters.
Book 4: Dungeons & Dragons – Xanathar’s Guide to Everything
For the advanced player looking to build powerful and unique characters.

In Dungeons & Dragons, the ability to craft a story is essential. Luckily, Wizards of the Coast produces pre-written adventurers that work as a wonderful set of guide rails for any new Dungeon Master. Tales from the Yawning Portal is especially great for this because, while some adventures are meant to be played over months or even years, the adventures in Yawning Portal are meant to be completed in 1-3 sessions. Running these stories will teach a DM the basics of story structure within the roleplaying medium. It will also assist heavily in running combat and non-player character dialogue for your players.
Book 5: Dungeons & Dragons – Tales from the Yawning Portal
For the beginning DM who does not know where to start.

In Dungeons & Dragons, the ability to craft a story is essential. Luckily, Wizards of the Coast produces pre-written adventurers that work as a wonderful set of guide rails for any new Dungeon Master. Tales from the Yawning Portal is especially great for this because, while some adventures are meant to be played over months or even years, the adventures in Yawning Portal are meant to be completed in 1-3 sessions. Running these stories will teach a DM the basics of story structure within the roleplaying medium. It will also assist heavily in running combat and non-player character dialogue for your players.