Play Expectations
Game Play Expectations
Our play expectations are standards that the counselors and players alike agree to follow before each and every game! The rules differ from activity to activity, but they always revolve around keeping the activity fun and productive for everyone involved!
Dungeons and Dragons
- We play heroes, not villains.
- If a character is so villainous that it no longer makes sense to travel with a party of heroes, the DM might require that player to create a new heroic character.
- We are all on the same team (including the DM)
- Even though the DM is roleplaying as bad guys and creating difficult challenges for the party, their goal is not to defeat the players.
- Nobody is the main character of our story! We work together for common goals.
- Bad things can happen to your character, including death!
- New characters start at level 1.
- All attuned items break on death and cannot be transferred to the new character.
- If a character is revived (for instance a resurrection spell) they lose 25% of their experience, lose 1 maximum health, and the character has a permanent scar.
- Characters can still die in a one shot hosted by a substitute DM.
- The game is about the story, not the loot!
- The game is all about having fun with our friends, taking on the roles of heroes, and exploring an amazing world together.
- The game is not about who has the most gold, the best items, who does the most damage, or defeating a final boss.
- There are consequences for cheating.
- We play a fair game. There are consequences for adding items, experience, or changing your character sheet illegally.
- Metagaming is discouraged – this includes looking up the statistics of enemies, reading modules. Metagaming isn’t always helpful (and may even be hurtful!) because the DM can change any stats or story as they see fit. An example of this might include a pack of goblins having fire immunity because of the fire god they have been worshiping. You might be surprised when a fireball spell does nothing to this specific pack of goblins!
- Consequences include losing the privilege of editing your own character sheet, or in some cases requiring a completely new character.
- We are welcoming to new players and DMs!
- No group is strictly private! We are always welcoming to new players! D&D is a great way to meet new people and make new friendships. We must give everyone a chance to enjoy this game with us.
- No DM is guaranteed to be permanent! Schedules change and it can be hard to lose a beloved dungeon master. Every dungeon master is a little different and it might take some time to get used to their new style. We will miss out on incredible adventures if we don’t give new DMs a chance to shine.
Fantasy Frontier
- Sword Safety
- Even though our weapons are made from foam, we don’t want to hit very hard. We want to do Taps not Whacks, our hits should only be light touches.
- We don’t aim for the head, neck, or groin, and we also respect other player’s wishes in not hitting areas they are sensitive about.
- We only fight other players who consent, who are securely on their feet, and who are also armed with a foam weapon.
- Cooperative Swordplay
- While swordfighting we want to trust each other. We should call our own hits and try to trust other players when they call their hits.
- During free play time, we only do 1v1 duels, unless a counselor arranges special group battle games.
- Respecting the Play Area and Materials
- Even though our foam weapons are meant for foam battles, they aren’t very durrable outside of those foam battles. We need to respect the weapons and try not to abuse them. This can include not using them to hit the ground, furniture, or trees. No one wants to play with a damaged or dirty weapon.
- We need to respect our play areas, whether inside or outside. When in the park we don’t want to dig holes, tear up the grass, or hurt the park plants. When inside we want to avoid damaging any furniture, electronics, or appliances that could be in the space. Finally this also means cleaning up after ourselves.
- Teamwork While Adventuring
- During adventures the players are a team, and this means they make decisions as a group. At times the group will vote on decisions, and this will usually mean that majority vote wins.
- Throughout their adventures the players can use their personal in game resources to help succeed in battles or obstacles. We need to respect other players decisions in what and how they use their items in gameplay.
- Frontier Card Trading
- All players have deckboxes with thier own Fantasy Frontier cards. We all need to respect each others deckboxes and only interact with them when given consent.
- Trading and crafting is a fun part of Fantasy Frontier, but we want to make fair and honest trades with other players. It is advised to ask counsilors what is or is not a fair trade.
- Frontier Fun, not Fantasy Loot
- Even though players earn loot through play, our ultimate goal is to have fun playing together. It doesn’t matter who has what items or who has played the longest.
- Our games and aventures will only include content that players ae comfortable with. This means respecting other players who are uncomfortable with certain types topics in Fantasy roleplay.
Minecraft Pixelmon
- We don’t cheat or use exploits
- There are many ways to cheat or exploit Minecraft. We aim to play the way it is intended, and not take advantage of bugs or design flaws.
- No x-ray texture packs
- No 3rd party software that enables flying, item duplications, command hacks, or more.
- We don’t grief (breaking or ruining builds by others)
- We want to be respectful of the hard work by others. Do not add to or remove from builds by other players.
- We want to be mindful of how our builds affect others. If someone builds an epic castle with a sea view, we don’t want to just build a giant wall to block that view.
- Trading pokemon requires consent, we can’t force others to trade with us
- We cannot force others to give us a pokemon. If they do not want to trade then we are respectful of that choice. It is okay to be disappointed, but we want to avoid becoming upset!
- We can help each other find all of the pokemon or use ranches to breed specific pokemon eggs!
- We work together and celebrate each capture by all group members
- We won’t always catch the pokemon we really wanted, especially in a pokemon den! When our friends catch these pokemon we want to congratulate them and be happy for them! Remember, we can always use a ranch to make pokemon eggs!
- Before any player battles we say “good luck”! After any player battles we say “good game”!
- Winning a pokemon battle feels great! Losing a pokemon battle can feel bad. For this reason we want to be respectful of our opponents.
- No trash talking! This creates an unsafe environment!
- Do not assume your opponent wants advice after a loss. They might already have an idea of ways to improve. If they ask for your advice, help them grow!
- The game is about having fun and improving as a team!
- The game is not about who has the most pokemon or who is the best battler. The game is about improving as a group so we can all be pokemon masters!
- Support each other!