Virtual Programs 2024

Welcome to NYSP Online! 

Come adventure with us through the magic of the internet! Our program serves children 6-15 by gathering similarly aged groups and taking them on a journey through either D&D or Minecraft. Our program is great for building both imagination and social skills as we teach and experience what healthy group play looks like!

Play AND Learn using our Social Contract

We use a code of conduct known as the Social Contract to ensure everyone feels welcome and happy in our Online Games. Our phenomenal gamemasters talk through the Social Contract every game and reinforce behavoir that follows it! The code is made of 5 parts, and you can read about them below!

In online games, safety refers to emotional safety, meaning that we a mindful of the tone we use with other, use kind language, and make sure everyone feels welcome!

We give other players the space to speak, engage with their thoughts and ideas (even if we don’t agree with them) and make sure everyone feels able to participate!

We build trust with one another by playing by the rules, being honest, and forgiving each other when we make mistakes!

Both D&D and Minecraft are games that work best when we play them together, so we must cultivate an enviromentmet where people have aligned goals, are willing to compromise, and consider the wants and needs of others!

In order for the game to remain a comfortable space, we communicate our intents and goals before acting, and respect others if that would make them uncomfortable or effect them negatively!

Here’s what you can look forward to at NYSP Online!


Here, one of our younger groups          (The Adventurers) wins a game of Blastball!

Not only are they champions of the sport, they even invented it themselves!!



In our D&D games, our young adventurers group up to go on a magic quest through a wild and wonderful world using the system of Dungeons and Dragons (Fifth Edition). D&D is a game of imagination where kids create cool/wacky/mystical characters and their gamemaster creates everything else! D&D teaches social skills (through the group play), basic math skills (through rolling dice and different stats), and long term problemsolving as the story of the game continues from week to week!

Our Minecraft offering is split into two fantastic games. The first, Minecraft Pixelmon, allows kids to play the monster-collecting game Pokemon INSIDE of Minecraft! Kids can battle alongside their friends, seek out rare pokemon together, and even challenge the elite four!
The Second, Minecraft Heroes, allows kids to take on a D&D-like class and adventure through a fantasy world built IN minecraft. They can party up, take on dungeons together, or build the kingdom of their dreams!